Monday 24 June 2024

Sleepless, But Not In Seattle

We had a few warm(er) days last week but more of note for me is that the nights also warmed up.

Or, I suppose a combo of the nights not cooling so much and the day's heat cranking up the general warmth in my apartment and bedroom.

I did what I could to manage the heat and I was fine enough during the days but over this last weekend it seems my body/brain rebelled and I wasn't able to get any or much sleep.

I can't even say it was due to heat and if it was I'm extra annoyed.  I bought a summer weight duvet and cover to "make things better" and then still had to sleep just under a sheet so I'm trying not to be mad at myself for the seeming "waste" of money there.

I've talked about it before but when I first started going to acupuncture decades ago she'd ask me about heat at night.  I don't think it was particularly in a "female hormone changing with age" kind of way but we did discover that my body does tend to heat at night or that some energy meridian needed better, I don't know, flow or something and so she'd do these points on my feet that I HATED but I'd sleep better for a while after that.

So what I noticed Saturday night as I was trying to fall asleep was that I was this weird combo of wanting more warmth but then that warmth was too much.  As in this lovely duvet I've bought, I'd roll it all the way up and be perfect for a couple of minutes but then it would very efficiently use my body heat and make a lovely toasty little under the blankets space and I'd be too warm and have to roll the duvet back down.  Sigh.

I ended up sort of having it half way up and hoping for the best and like I said I don't think I can blame it all on the "heat" as Saturday night was much cooler than Friday night and I didn't sleep much/well on either of those nights so maybe it's just a bad sleep couple of days.  I know my system is pretty sensitive to things.

I'm going to try to not harp on those few bad nights but I am super affected by lack of sleep. Like makes me feel kind of crazy sometimes kind of affected.

And knowing we're in the hotter part of the year and that maybe makes it harder on me to sleep, I'm trying not to focus too much on the fear of difficult nights and I'm also trying to use the energy on my good days when I have it so that my less good days aren't so busy, you know?

I'm also very happy for everyone who loves the warmth and I hope they enjoy the days that I don't enjoy so that we have balance in temperature land!

I know, I'm kind of babbling and maybe not making much sense... didn't get much sleep eh?


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