Monday 17 June 2024


Didn't get to writing yesterday.  Was on a walk with my folks and my Mom tripped and hit the sidewalk pretty hard so I spend the afternoon managing that.  (We ended up calling 911 after a phone assessment with an 811 nurse.) She's home (was home that evening) and bruised and in pain but fine enough.

I'm shaken and so didn't get to writing and may not this week.

But all's well that ends well I suppose and very grateful for all the lovely helpers I spoke to and interacted with.  There are some really wonderful people out there in the helping professions and I'm very grateful for that.

(OH and I found out that I got accidentally exposed to Covid the day before by a neighbour who was also unknowingly exposed and infected by a friend of hers.  She messaged to let me know she had tested positive and apologized as she didn't know and had/has no major symptoms (other than aches that she assumed were from helping a friend move) and we had chatted in the hallway for quite a while the day before (Saturday). So I did have a mask in my purse that I threw on but that was an added stress/concern (about not exposing my older, more vulnerable parents) in the middle of a very stressful few hours.)

And let's use this as a reminder that we all should be checking our first aid kids for useful items.  My parents' didn't have the strips I needed to close up a big wound and so I went and got my earthquake kit from my car as it had some, thankfully.  Then later that night I went through that earthquake kit to check it out and the "flashlight and battery" kit in it?  The batteries had rotted out and so I threw them out and got new ones to put in the kit.  I also replaced my "emergency medication" supply in that kit that I totally forgot I had in there (good job past me!)  So a good reminder to regularly check and update your earthquake and first aid kids and stuff like that.

But yeah.  Mom's ok.  That was really scary to see and deal with and I'm dealing with the "intrusive memories" that have kicked up for me from that but all in all everything's ok.  (Pretty much.)

Take care of yourselves, eh?


Jason Langlois said...

Very glad your mom is okay. Unexpected falls are always traumatic.

Victoria said...

They really aren't much fun that's for sure.
