Thursday 13 June 2024

Twenty One

Over the last few years I've heard people here talk about "June-uary" - calling June cold like January and I'm sure you can guess how much I relish June days that aren't full heat days.

Twenty one degrees seems to be the point at which I *have* to deal with heat in my apartment.  At or just below 21 I'm fine.  Maybe I put the blinds down in the hottest part of the day, probably throw some fans on, but on days that are lower than 21, especially if there's any sort of a breeze, I'm fine, especially in the evenings and overnight.  My indoor temps might get up to 24 or 25 but like I said when it cools down once the sun hides behind a building and if there's a breeze I tend to be ok. 

Anything above that and it gets uncomfortable in my place.  We had a couple of warmer than that days over the weekend (24/25 or so) and with blinds down and blankets over the blinds and fans on it gets up to 23 inside by mid morning and anything after that I don't even want to talk about, gah! 

So I'm very much here for Juneuary and would be happy happy were July...uary and Augustuary/Septemberuary were things too!

Seeing as this weekend was the first time I threw my place into the dark cave of Summer (blinds down and extra layers over them) I also am trying to help my plants out so I threw on the grow lights (I bought last year) for a couple of hours to hopefully make my plants feel ok about living!

I also moved two that are really pretty happy right now out of the direct path of where the A/C air will be blowing just in case that temp becomes an issue.  I'm also holding it in my heart that they might not be ok after Summer so that if they do have issues it hopefully won't upset me as much as my other recent plant deaths have.  

Cuz my place has GREAT light.  Makes for happy plants (when I'm not overwatering).  But I block out all of that light pretty much all day when it's warm.  Which means my place doesn't have great light... not a lot of it anyway.  (I close the blinds when it's cold cold in winter too although that's less often than summer closing.)

Anyway... this post is brought to you by what has been another really reasonably temperatured week and my relief and joy at that!

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