Friday 14 June 2024


I woke up Monday morning with what I figured was a pimple on my cheek.  Dealt with it and that was that.

I'd worn sunscreen over the weekend and it sometimes makes my pores angry so I figured that's what it was.

Except as I was leaving to go to work about an hour or so later I took one last look in the mirror and the pimple now was surrounded by red in a VERY SUSPICIOUS LOOKING WAY!

As in, I think I got bit on my face.

I will not be taking any questions at this time as who WHO or WHAT did the biting because I do not want to think about it but y'all?  I'd really rather it was a pimple, but at the end of my work day it was clear it wasn't anything *I* produced out of my own skin cells.  




Laurene said...

Sounds like an allergic reaction! Do you reckon it's the sunscreen? Maybe switch out the sunscreen? I've been wearing Korean sunscreen for years, and they are lightweight but effective enough for daily wear!

Victoria said...

I suppose it *could* have been the sunscreen but it was really located in just one spot and the marks around it suggested bug bite (ICK!) ;)

I'm pretty picky with sunscreens but will look into what you're talking about :)