Friday 13 September 2024


A few mornings ago, I woke up, looked out my bedroom window, and saw a spider starting to make a web. 

So if you imagine my window, and then the screen that sits in my window, it made the nest on the *outside* of both, like attached to the outside part of the window sills, with a space between the web and my screen.

As it was starting, I let it know that I didn't think this was the best location for a web as there is a screen behind it and so nothing will come from this one side and I don't see an awful lot of bugs around this area anyway (knock on wood0 but to "do you" as I'm not a spider expert or anything.  

I checked in a few times while I was making my breakfast and really liked seeing the process; it's a pretty neat thing to see happen.  And they ended up with what I thought was a really nicely made web.

For the next few mornings I'd wake up and peek out and yep, my spider neighbour would be there, sitting just off center of their web.  I had no idea if they were a he or she as I am not an arachnologist and I realized that I often assume the spiders I see are boys so I just let this one not have a name or gender, but I digress.

So spider buddy hung out and the only thing I ever saw in the web was some floof of some kind (fledgling bird feather maybe?)

Well, this morning, I woke up, and looked and couldn't see my spider buddy.  I got out of bed and took a closer look and the web has been dismantled.  I have no idea if something happened to it to damage it or if the spider gave up due to lack of action (which, to be fair, I did try to warn it about!) and I googled and it turns out that some spiders will um.... re-eat (?) their web so as not to waste the silk and then they reuse it but that kind of weirded/grossed me out a bit so um, yeah. 

My spider neighbour moved in and pretty quickly moved out and I'm a little bit bummed cuz it was a pretty enough thing and at a safe distance so yeah.  No more outside spider neighbour friend for me.

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