Thursday 12 September 2024

Like, Seriously, What Are You Doing?

This last week my brain has come up with seriously random songs at random times and I'm quite confused?

Like usually when I get a song or part of a song stuck in my head I can trace it to having heard it in my car or on the radio or something but these?  NOPE!  Completely, utterly random.  Not even, as far as I know, me saying a word that triggered a lyric just... HERE, HAVE THIS SONG!  SORRY NOT SORRY!

The first one was going to bed the other night and OUT OF NOWHERE my brain started singing a song from a musical.  For no reason at all.... "The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game" from Guys and Dolls.   What?

I mean I like the musical and I have songs on it on my iPhone but it's not like I heard that song or thought about it in the evening or ANYTHING and just BAM... in my brain.

But even weirder, at least to me, was waking up Sunday morning and "Cold Heart" by Elton John is in my head.  Or just the "cold cold heart" part.  WHYYYYYYY.  (And then when I went to google it cuz I didn't actually know the name of the song, all the results I got is a duet with him and Dua Lipa and like dudes, that's not a version I know, just give me the old one PUHLEASE.

So yeah, my brain is making me pack for a year long trip and listen to random songs out of nowhere.  My brain might need a holiday?  (again!)

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