Wednesday 18 September 2024

Slowly.... Cautiously....

This weekend, I slowly started to maybe slightly dismantle some of my "summer heat abatement" things.

Like I have not yet put away my fans but the big box fans have been unplugged and I can almost comfortably put them away.  Tower fans are still plugged in and ready to go if needed and I did take apart and clean/dust my badroom fan but it's also close to being put away.

I took down some of the blankets and sarongs that I put over my blinds for extra "cool" but the biggest one is still hanging over (folded up) my biggest window.

My portable A/C unit is still out and while I can't quite exactly remember when I used it I know it was this month and so that's only a couple of weeks (although it feels like this month is maybe trying to be sneaky quick?)

So yeah, I don't want to put things away and then invite a hot day or two but I also kind of think we might be done with *that* hot of days?

I am grateful that this summer was one of my better ones, heat wise and temperature wise and being able to sleep at night wise.  I'd like to think that was me, but people seem to be saying this was a "cooler" summer all round, but whatever the reason I didn't suffer as much as I have the last chunk of years and for that I am very very thankful.  For sure.

I'm also almost ready to put these things away but not quite done looking suspiciously at the weather forecasts!  But also, there was a time on Friday where I was sitting on my couch relaxing and I thought to myself am I.... cold?  (But then that night I was warm in my bedroom again but then the next night I was cold so yeah... shoulder season transition time for sure eh?)


Jason Langlois said...

Brave. I haven't put away my AC just yet...

Victoria said...

Same! lol (and it's been a little warm again!)