Tuesday 17 September 2024

Ugh. I Don't WANNA!

Me not wearing my glasses is maybe starting to become a small problem.

I'm not seeing people which I then worry makes them think I'm ignoring them or mean or something.  Sigh.

Like I was in the water fitness class last week and one of the ladies that I'm often near said "Oh I saw you, we must live near each other?  Do you live on X street?"  And I was a bit surprised and said well yes?  Not having any idea how she had seen me.  She explained that she and a friend were out walking dogs and I did remember seeing two dogs and smiling politely at their owners but that's about it.  Took me a while to put all this together but then I tried to explain to her that yes, I remembered the dogs but not the humans and sorry!  (Although to be fair on this one, I'm not sure I'd recognize many of those people wearing real clothes out of the water, you know?  I'm kind of surprised she recognized me!)

The next one was more of a bummer, but Connor has moved back to town (he moved to one of the small islands for a few years) and last week he sent me a message asking if I'd been at store X and I said YES!  Well it turns out that's where he's working and I knew he works in this store if not exactly that location and he said he was about to say hi to me but a customer needed help and I told him I was SO sorry I didn't see him but that I don't wear my glasses and so if he ever sees me again to please say hi as I likely won't see him and promise I'm not ignoring him!  I was bummed, I totally would have waited patiently til he was free to say hi and give him a hug!

I mean blaming it all on not wearing my glasses is probably a little unfair... there is also being distracted and busy and thinking about other things and the next time I went into that store I did, even without my glasses, scan for Connor as best I could (it was the weekend, he was probably off). But yeah, I do the best I can with not seeing things quite as clearly as I might, but I also just really don't like wearing my glasses (and I'm not "bad" enough visually speaking to qualify for a surgery and I've tried contacts and just, not my thing with the touching of the eye, I just... no.)

(And just to be clear, I always wear them when I'm driving, or in a few other situations but day to day, walking to the gym or in a water fitness class or getting grocries or shopping, I don't.  I wear them less than I'm maybe "supposed" to.)

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