Thursday 10 October 2024

Le Sigh

There is a gentleman who lives at the end of the road who owns a rather loud Harley Davidson motorbike.

I know this because I have been hearing the damn thing for ages and then one windy day this Spring, I ran into him on my way to the gym and he was trying to cover his bike and chatted with me about not wanting it to blow away.  I smiled and agreed it was windy and went on my way.

But still, the LOUD revving when it drives up and down the street I find irritating.  It bugs me.

Sometimes quite a lot.

A few weeks ago I was coming home (either walking or driving, I don't remember) when I saw the neighbour's distinctive bike on the road.  And what I noticed?  Was that the older gentleman driving it (the one I'd spoken to) had the BIGGEST, HAPPIEST grin on his face as he revved that motor to noisily drive away.


I feel it's not right for me to be so annoyed by that noise now that I've seen how genuinely happy riding that thing makes this guy.  So now when I hear the stupidly annoying and loud noise I try to picture him and that smile again.

It helps a little I suppose, but it's also more of a good reminder for me that assuming things isn't helpful.  Maybe the guy isn't aware how much sound echoes in this neighbourhood.  Or maybe he just feels so incredibly happy and lucky to have the bike of his dreams.  I don't know.  I just know he looked so joy filled and happy when I saw him on his bike and that's what I'm going to try to remember and think of when I'm frustrated and annoyed.

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