Monday 5 July 2021

How Am I?

How am I post second Covid vaccination?

I don't know.

I mean I know how I feel, but I genuinely don't know if it's from the shot or from life.

Ok, my arm hurts, that's from the shot (duh), but I'm also feeling pretty tired.  BUT, I didn't sleep much (or at all) for a week with the heat so I think I'm honestly just tired from the lack of sleep and stress.  I was tired and drained all last week too but there was also the stress and adrenaline of trying to deal with the heat and my body's (and mind's) reaction to it... so the tired isn't new post vaccine.

I'm also warm (ha!) but I've been warm for two weeks now so probably just the heat, you know?

All in all I don't think I've had any reaction to either of my shots, other than a sore arm at the site of injection, so I am very thankful for that!

The sleepy/tired/exhausted?  Yeah, that's really more likely to be from the last week.

Second shot went very well despite them being a lot busier (possibly from taking up the slack from the sites that had to close down due to heat last week), they really have things running so smoothly and I'm grateful for the volunteers and the systems and just the all of it.  Well done all.

I do also keep crying randomly thinking about being vaccinated against this thing that has kept me from family and friends for a year and a half but that's not so much a side effect as a massive amount of relief and gratitude! 


Elliott said...

All five of my immediate family (wife and kids) have all been double vaccinated now. My parents have been double vaccinated for a few weeks now.

I got the Astra for my first shot and Moderna for my second a week ago yesterday. I felt fine on Monday other than a tender arm. Then Monday night hit with vomit, chills, body aches...all flu like symptoms. They last about 12 hours and then I was just tired for a couple of days. By Thursday last week, I was back to "normal".

I too keep randomly crying for reasons my brain understands, but I don't. I guess the stress and everything of the past 16 months is catching up.

Glad you've got both doses and didn't have any symptoms. Take care, sounds like you're going through a lot right now.

Victoria said...

Oh gosh, glad you got through that, yikes! And glad you're all double dosed!
And yes, I really do think our brains and systems have had WAY too much to deal with and maybe it's catching up, especially with the vaccinations in place. Hugs to you and yours!

kandijay said...

I had my second shot a couple of weeks ago (Pfizer) and I, too, cried. But for different reasons than most. I didn't react. At all. Sore arm for half a day, no fever, chills, body aches, headache... not even more tired than usual. And I cried because I'm afraid that means it didn't work -- as I had learned in between shots that the vaccine is NOT effective for 1 in 4 methotrexate users. Which I am.

Victoria said...

Oh, big big hugs Kandijay. I am thinking positively for you that it has worked and that you are protected and staying well!!

kandijay said...

Thank you!