Monday 12 July 2021

The Aftermath (Of Sorts)

I still haven't really recovered fully from the heat dome heat stupid wave thing of the other week.

Part of that is knowing it's Summer and temps, well they're hot in Summer.  And part of that is how bad it was and how hard it was to get through.

Some of the things I haven't talked about yet are the weird 'around the house' heat related issues I discovered once I got home.

Like, a minor one, but I had an Aero bar in the cupboard (that I totally forgot about yay me) and I went to have it this weekend and it had obviously melted or something and now had a completely different texture.  For anyone who knows, it was now like a Flake.  And looked and felt totally different.

And the face plate of the new modem I got sent by my internet provider fell off.  In the box, before I got to it (because I was at Jason's) it fell off, like the glue melted in the heat.  And did I mention my blinds warped?  Yeah.

And then there was my soap/shampoo containers.  The ones with pumps?  They all "not exploded".  As in, there wasn't an explosion but something happened and soap/shampoo/whatever leaked out of them.  

I'm sure there are other things that melted that I just haven't discovered yet, and can I just say I'm really proud I had the presence of mind to give my plants some extra water?  THEY LIVED!  

I have completely blown my budget too with some panicked "must stay fed" purchases and now a purchase of an air purifier (which I was able to finance which feels weird) and the ordering of an air conditioning unit which I feel really weird about.  (After what we went through, I'd rather have it and not use it than wish again that I'd gotten it so... it is what it is.)

Most people I know weren't happy during that chunk of time and right now there's another "heat dome" sort of thing that's hopefully skipping our province but is on our coast again and I think most of the people I've talked to are waking up to the fact that this may be the horrific "new normal" of weather we've allowed to happen and that steps need to be taken.  Not only to secure the future of our planet and climate, but also personal steps for personal health and wellness as this is not likely to be a "one off."

This was, without exaggeration, a deadly heat event.  Hundreds of deaths happened in BC alone that are attributable to the heat.  And that's just human.  The wildlife and especially sea life deaths are literally uncountable.  Somehow my brain didn't consider sea creatures getting fried.  And damn... this isn't ok, you know?

I do think I've probably caught up on sleep now, and my sleep schedule is back to normal - the cool nights help a lot with that I'm sure.  And sure, my body has adjusted somewhat and what might have been "warm" a month ago is now "nice".  And I have been giddy getting into bed the last few nights and feeling "cold", honestly, giddy and smiling and happy to feel that.  There has been a breeze and man oh man it is amazing.

I mean it's still Summer, there's still sun and no rain and UV rays and heat, but that was just beyond miserable and I am so grateful I had somewhere to go, even if it was only a few degrees cooler.


Elliott said...

Is it just me or do you find it completely and utterly obscene that 3 of the world's richest people can use all of those resources to have their own private space race and not use all of those funds to help counter global warming?

So much good could from diverting those funds to helping Earth and all of its inhabitants rather than trying to leave the planet.

Like come on, if you have to fight over dick size, at least do it in a less obscene manner and maybe help the Earth at the same time. Like fight over who can clean the most square feet of ocean; or who can save the most species...something useful for all humanity.

Jason Langlois said...

Wow, that's some amazing ripple effects from the heat. I had a container of gummies candy kind of fuse into a lump of gummy. I have a long habit now of storing chocolate bars in my fridge, so was able to avoid that melty bit.

I'm fascinated that your soap pumps leaked though.

I think you've made some good investments and even if you don't use them the rest of this year, they'll come in useful next year.

Victoria said...

It's not just you Elliott, I'm pretty... what, outraged? Unsurprised but furious? Disappointed??? I guess it's easy to be "out of touch" when you're that far removed from the reality of most people - that's me attempting to be generous. I don't have words for the glaring lack of compassion.

Jason, are you eating that gummy candy lump bite by bite? :D And chocolate bars are now in fridge.. the ones that remain anyway!
The soap pump thing was bizarre and I don't actually understand it except... something something heat. Air purifier has arrived and I hope I "don't need" it (please). Air conditioner is back ordered (TIL NEXT SPRING) so looking at other options. (sigh)