Thursday 21 July 2022


I did not sleep last night.

Now, sometimes I say that and it's a little exaggeration because I got an hour or three in at some point in the middle of the early morning but last night?  Nope.  Last night was a miserable write off of constant tossing and turning and JUST NOT FALLING GOD DAMN ASLEEP.

And it was too warm too which didn't help becuase I had no blankets on but then that was too "lightweight" but then putting blankets on was too hot and then I rolled over and had to pee and thought about not even bothering to try anymore but I'd taken something to try to sleep and if I am awake with that in my system I feel not ok so I wanted to at least be trying to sleep but holy crap that was not a good night and that means today is not going to be all that pretty and the fact that it's going to get warmer (apparently) over the next few days has me stressed on top of not having slept and have I mentioned how much I do not enjoy being a human sometimes?

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