Friday 12 January 2024

The Chill

Sorry for a quiet week.  Writing just .... didn't happen.

We didn't get the snow (here at least) that they were saying might happen but man oh man we sure got the cold. 

There's a significant wind chill factor happening right now too and if you've never experienced wind chill it's a humdinger.

No birds flittering around today, I imagine they're all hunkered down.

I hope the folks who live unhoused are using the warming centers and I hope our building wrapped our outside pipes and, well I hope everyone stays safe and warm enough, you know?

It is bright though, so that helps a lot.  The bright open air just throwing that cold arctic outflow right down on us with no clouds to block it.

But no clouds means no precipitation.  So the light dusting of snow we got (so very light) is either blown away or frozen in place.  I dried off my wipers when I got home last night to hopefully make it less likely they'll have frozen to my windscreen.

I walked to my swim-gym-thing (am still trying to get in a swim once a week) so that I wouldn't have to do it this weekend and even yesterday I wrapped up extra warm and brought a hat and scarf and made sure I was toasty on my walk home.  This morning I went out to the recycling bins and I wrapped up just as much and felt that freezing wind through my "outdoor winter" pants that clearly don't have a wind block feature to them.  (Mental note made.)

So, yeah.  It's cold.  (But far colder elsewhere in the country I know.)

Winter is doing some Wintering. 

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