Monday 15 January 2024

Monday Again

It's Sunday evening again as I write this and I am at the tail end of what was one of the hardest weekends I can remember in a long time.

Which in some ways is great... I mean that it feels like a "long time" since I've struggled this much so I should acknowledge that. But it takes a lot of emotional and mental energy to just cope and that leaves a lot less mental energy for putting together sentences and paragraphs that work, or taking a small idea and fleshing out the moments and thoughts.  

So here I am on a Sunday evening absolutely drained and exhausted but also not wanting to leave the blog blank for the week again.  But life first, blogs and other things second right?

I hope you have a good week whenever you get to this.  I hope we all have a good week.  And next weekend too.


Jason Langlois said...

Just getting through a week feels like an accomplishment, so glad you have managed it despite things being hard.

Victoria said...

Lord...these weeks are not.... great!