Wednesday, 22 May 2024

I Maybe Should Have Googled

We (probably) know that I struggle with heat these days.  (I say these days as I don't have a memory of struggling with heat in my childhood or up until the last chunk of years or maybe last decade or so?  And yes, I know temps are changing and I live in a different place than I grew up but still.... this is a fairly new "issue" for me.)

We had a couple of hot days and nights a few weeks back and I was reminded that when I'm too hot to sleep it really throws things off for me.  I mean, losing sleep or having a poor sleep in general messes with me but when I'm not sleeping due to heat it really gets to me and builds up.

So one of the things I've been considering since, I think it was last year when/that I bought "cool" sheets, was buying summer weight duvet and cover.

I've had the same duvet and cover since I moved out and my parents kindly bought it for me and I love it.  But it is heavy.  The cover is heavy material and the duvet is probably a mid weight as I often am a bit chilly in the coldest weeks.

So when we had those hotter days I decided to pull the trigger and order the "summer weight" duvet and "cool touch" light duvet cover.  

They arrived last week and I fluffed them out on my couches to air out.  

I'm still using my winter stuff as the temps have been DELIGHTFULLY cooler (crosses fingers for as much of this as possible, sorry!) but I did want to tidy up a bit this weekend so I went to put the duvet into the cover.

Now this set has loops on the duvet and ties inside the cover to keep it from slipping around, which my other set doesn't so I've never attached a duvet to a cover before.

Well let me tell you it challenged my brain quite a bit!

If I remember correctly, each side had three loops/ties but of course the ties are on the inside of the cover.  And I wasn't entirely sure how I was supposed to go about it so I just kind of made it up as I went along.  I tied a top left corner to a top left corner and then tried to straighten things out so they'd make sense along the top and I think I managed that ok but then the middle portion got confused with a bottom tie and I had to undo quite a few ties but I had sort of figured going in to it that it might take some brain thinking to accomplish so I was decently patient with myself and now I have a very thin, hopefully cool thing to try when the temps rise back up again.  

Here's hoping it really helps!  And yeah, I'm feeling like maybe I should have searched online for instructions or something cuz maybe there's a really easy way to do it, like turning the cover inside out, and I just didn't know!

Oh and, of course I'm tempted to give it a try right now but I've been chilly enough to close bedroom windows and even through a blanket over me the last few nights, so I'm sticking with what I have for now!  (While also getting nervous that I'm now getting used to the cool again which will make the warm worse again, d'oh!)

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