Monday, 6 May 2024

My Good Fortune

I had a realization on the weekend.  It was the first time in about a week that I felt kind of calm and far more at ease than I have since things got complicated last week.

I was contemplating, with some internal stress, if I wanted to or didn't want to go to the gym.  Or more to the point, if I was going to make myself go or not.  And as I was debating this, I realized how lucky this debate means I am.

To have my "biggest" stress of the day be "Do I go to the gym or not" means I am a very fortunate person, one of the more fortunate people in the world.

It means I am not concerned with my immediate safety.  I am not concerned about having shelter or where I am getting food.  It means my body is healthy and well enough to move and exercise.  It means I have security and stability and am debating CHOOSING to go to a safe facility that I pay for (can afford to pay for) to move my body in a more challenging way.

How lucky I am that an internal debate about going to the gym was the biggest issue on a Saturday morning?

So very very lucky.  

I am grateful.

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