Tuesday 4 June 2024


I'm thinking this one through as I type it but in a water fit class the other day the instructor reminded us that balance isn't standing still, it's constant movement... or something along those lines.

And I mean it's pretty obvious when you're trying to balance, but somehow extra obvious when you're trying to balance in the water with one foot down and the other limbs doing other things because as you adjust the water moves you or against you or just moves and so the "moving to balance" somehow feels more notable?

So anyway, I was lying here thinking about how over the weekend I had one day of pretty much nothing but couch time and relaxing and then the next day I did a whole bunch of things and got groceries and did laundry and baked and cooked dinner and so in my head I was thinking of making some joke about "ha ha balance" which then reminded me about the instructor note which then got me sort of wondering how to apply that to real life (rather than physical balance.)

Like we talk about trying to keep balance in our lives... work-life balance, or for those with children I'd imagine romance-family balance, etc?

So is there some sort of parallel to having to make constant small physical movements to keep physical balance that applies to day to day life balance or am I just trying too hard to make a metaphor work?

I suppose it's something along the lines of not just sitting back in your habits and routines and evaluating your life and making adjustments regularly (daily? weekly?  hourly?) to make sure you are balanced in your life.  I dunno.

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