Monday 3 June 2024


I have a memory from childhood of it being bedtime and then lights out time (when a parent would come in and say it was time to stop reading and turn out the lights) and seeing light leak in through the side of my blinds and hearing my brothers and the neighbours outside playing.

I remember feeling so angry that I was the youngest and so forced to bed "too early" when others were still out.  

But now, as these days are so lovely and long, I find myself looking at the clock at 8 or 9 pm and thinking that my parents really hadn't sent me to bed too early at all, it was just that light out that "late" into the evening.

I mean I went to bed the other night and there was still light in the sky (although faintly) so yeah.  Poor child me not knowing that I wasn't being treated unfairly, it really was past my bedtime, it just didn't look like it outside!

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