Saturday 1 June 2024

Muah Muwah Wah Muwah

The attempted noise you see in the title is me trying to type out what "Charlie Brown's teacher" sounded like in the Charlie Brown movie(s).

You know, some muffled adult you could never really understand?

Well I never got that until this week!

I was at one of the water fitness classes and it was probably where I was in the pool but I could not hear the instructor's amplified (they speak into a microphone) voice.

Like I could tell they were talking, but I could not make out the words, with a few exceptions here and there.

So I went through the class solely on visual cues, which was fine, but it did get me thinking about people with hearing loss and then about people with reduced attention spans and that reminded me of Charlie Brown's teacher's voice and then I felt kind of bummed out for kids (or adults!) for whom school and learning is like that.  You know something's being said and you're supposed to pay attention but you can not make out what's being said and can't do anything about it.  That must be an awful way to go through life (or school/class/university)!

I guess I'm now extra glad that school was pretty easy for me and I'm feeling extra lucky that whatever learning I did or didn't do was down to me rather than me not being able to comprehend what was being said, or I guess not being able to read what I was supposed to read - that must be awful too.

I'm glad that this was my first class experience of having a teacher I could not at all understand, and in a low importance "class" to boot.

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