Friday 7 June 2024


This is a fairly niche issue so feel free (as always!) to skip it!

I saved up and bought a summer weight duvet last month and my plan has been that when I switch out my usual one and go to store it, I'd take it to be cleaned first.

There's a place I've used before that's a "wet cleaner" which as I understand it means it uses fewer chemicals than dry cleaning but with similar results.

So my plan was to put the duvet and cover into a giant bag and haul it off to them to be deep cleaned and then bring it home to put away until Fall.

Buuuuuut, I just randomly found a news article saying that that particular place has had personal issues and so hasn't been open for a while but should be opening again soon and so now I don't feel like I can really trust taking my stuff there but maybe it'll be ok?  I don't know!

I just thought it was interesting that someone chose to write a news piece about it and I happened to see it rather than the hard version which would have been to take the bulky stuff there and find it closed and have to cart it back home again, d'oh!

(Or as per the article, have taken it there and gone to pick it up and found the place locked up!)

I do hope they get things sorted, but I'm not sure I'll be taking my duvet in this year... maybe next?  We shall see how I feel in a week or so I suppose!

(And maybe it's possible to wash at home but I'm not sure I'm best equipped for that either! I only have so much trust for our building's washer and dryers!)


Jason Langlois said...

Indeed, though I think the fact that folks can see there stuff on the racks in the store but can't get it did make it a bit of a news story.

It does feel like the trust is broken there, though.

Victoria said...

Right? Bit of a bummer....