Thursday 6 June 2024

What Goes Around Comes Around

I haven't had cable television in years and years and years.  

I even remember when I started hanging out at Jason's and watching cable tv with him how jarring I found the ads.

I feel similarly when the radio is on - the ads and talking get to me - so I tend to stick to my playlists and personal device.

So the fact that streaming services are now introducing ads is driving me particularly up the wall.

I "get" it, everyone wants more money from us the consumer but like now I want to call up the DVD rental place that just recently closed down (where I used to "watch" my tv series before streaming was a thing) and tell them to please come back and just wait it out a little longer because they're making streaming services into cable and many of us are going to opt out of that and go back to other ways of watching shows.

Am I yet again whining about a problem I have due to my privilege in life?  (First world problem?). I am.  And I'm aware of that.  I'm lucky to live a good enough life that ads in streaming services is a frustration.

I still wish a pox upon their corporate leaders though.  Actually, that's not a great joke in Covid-world days is it.  Well, I wish them .... uh... a change in heart.  Yeah.  That.  

(And yes, they'll likely be getting more money out of me to avoid the ads, but I'm not sure how long I will keep on paying when there are other ways to view things, you know?)

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