Wednesday 3 July 2024

For The Worse

I went for a walk on Monday (the holiday day) with a friend I haven't seen in ages and as it was Canada Day there were a lot of happy people out, many of them dressed in red and white for the day.

At one point we were passed by a motorcycle (wait, is this where my Taylor Swift show idea came from!?) with a HUGE Canada flag attached to the back, blowing in the breeze.

"That must make it a little harder to drive, no?" I asked my friend?  Wondering if the flag would have any effect on the stability of a motorcycle.

He wasn't sure about that but then said something I've sadly been thinking for a few years now.... "do you wonder if they're happy Canadians or convoy protestors?"

And yeah, that's what I think when I see Canadian flags on vehicles these days and that's a real bummer.

I'm not going to get in to the politics or beliefs of it just that we had folks during (?) lockdown protest the government and they festooned their vehicles with Canadian flags and it's kind of changed how most of the rest of us look at flags on vehicles.

So yeah, kind of strange to now feel cautious about someone flying a flag on a National holiday.  Strange days we're living through, strange days indeed.


Elliott said...

Totally think the same thing when I see flags on vehicles...especially oversized pickups. What was once something that made me happy with Canada pride now makes be cringe when I see big flags on vehicles.

For some reason, the smaller the flag on a vehicle the more patriotic if feels...the big ones feel like a protest statement and the small ones make me proud.

Is that just me??

Victoria said...

Not just you (I don't think). My van has a small Canada flag sticker on it (from when I went down into the states) and it doesn't occur to me as any kind of statement other than "here's where I'm from by the way". So I guess I understand what you mean?

Such a bummer either way though. Sigh.