Thursday 4 July 2024

Get Off Our Lawns?

When I was out walking with my friend on Monday, we actually ran into another mutual friend and the three of us caught up for a bit.  

We're all in the same line of work (it's how we know each other) and were complaining (as one does!) about changes in this and that and the other and I paused and looked at them and said "are we old?"  And yeah, we all figure we're "old" now and this new change stuff is not ok (which is why we're feeling old!)

My one friend actually said he got annoyed at his neighbour's kids for "making so much noise" while outside playing and then realized he was like the grumpy old guy he grew up next to and that now he suddenly understood why that "grumpy" "old" man was annoyed by the noise of him and his friends playing.  Oh man!  We've become the thing we swore to never be?

I mean maybe this is part of the circle of life.... you age, the things you knew and valued and were used to change and adjust and you maybe like that less and you feel like you miss the "good old days" and that just keeps on keeping on and life keeps on life-ing?

I dunno, I think I'm less crotchety than some but I also do have some frustrations with the "way things are" vs how they were when I first started in this job thing.  

Kind of like all those singers in the 60s and 70s knew what they were talking about with the not knowing what you have until it's gone and the times changing and all that jazz. 

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