Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Mysteriously Annoying

Some noises just bug me.

I'm sure it's the same for most people, and sure, depending on whatever, I can sometimes ignore certain sounds but other times not so much.

Like the last few days, there has been some kind of low rumbling type noise that I can't figure out and would like to have stop.

It's nearby (as in not the Grumbler planes across the water we sometimes hear here) so maybe in my building or one of the buildings near me... and I've heard it before but hearing it now doesn't make as much sense.

Have you ever had a big truck, like transport type truck idle near you?  And they kind of make a noise?  Rumbbbbbble.....  Or like an industrial fan?  Brrrrrrrrrrrr.....

It's... something like that.

When I heard it months ago I assumed it was an air conditioner unit or a big fan, like it felt safe to assume it was someone trying to be cooler.  But this noise was here all weekend this last weekend and it was not, in my opinion, warm enough to run fans or air conditioners.

I could see no big trucks.

It wasn't our laundry machines.

The "I'm really annoyed by this" came and went but the rumble was just at enough of a level to get under my skin... with the addition of curiously wondering what was/is making that noise also bugging me a bit!

I'm sure it'll stop eventually and I may not even notice the absence but "sounds like a big truck idling and/or a fan" noise is apparently not my brain's favourite!

Honestly my bet is that it's a giant dryer fan of some sort (maybe related to the construction next door....???? just had that thought) but the tone of the rumble reminds me of a delivery truck parked down the road. 


Anne Roy said...

I would think the rumbling noise is connected to the construction as they no doubt have pieces of equipment that need to be left on 24 / 7 ... it is September 25th so 3 months until Christmas Day!

Victoria said...

Yeah that makes the most sense :) And oh my! lol ;)