On my work days, I usually drive by a school that has one of those scrolling information signs.
Like where the words scroll and tell the students (I assume?) things they need to know like "Prom tickets on sale tomorrow" or whatever.
A few months ago I noticed that the sign was glitchy. And I noticed it being glitchy the next few weeks.
I thought to myself "I wonder if they know?" but figured that someone must have told them.
But then I wondered if all of us thought the same thing? Like... "I won't call them or email them because someone probably already told them and I'd just be annoying." And then if everyone thinks someone else has told them maybe no one ever actually told them?
So I half had this debate with myself for several weeks... do they know? They must know....? What if we all thought someone else told them and so they don't know?
I mean all this to say the sign is not currently working right now, and I have to assume they're waiting for someone to come fix it, but yeah, it's funny to be aware of the overthinking as it's happening and to wonder if others are also overthinking in a similar way.
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