Wednesday, 26 February 2025

I Can Guess

When I go to the aqua fitness classes, I wear water shoes in the pool.  I may have mentioned it in a previous post, but I didn't initially (I am in the shallow end so touching the bottom) and then the skin on my toes started to get weird and so I decided to get water shoes and knock on wood the weird skin issues haven't come back.  

But anyway, I wear water shoes in the pool and then when I shower after, I slip into slip on "shower shoes" and wash the water shoes and put them in my wet bag (a game changer for swimming by the way!  If you're interested, look up diaper bags or wet bags.) and then I wear the slip-ons as I change, and so I avoid stepping on the floor with bare feet.

I got to the pool one day last week after really not wanting to go and as I was getting changed I noticed that one of my slip on shoes was missing.  I checked my gym bag.  Nope.  Hmm... it was probably in my closet at home where I store my gym bag.  Bummer.  I ended up wearing my water shoes until I was getting changed and got water everywhere (even though it's a wet change room I still felt bad) and it wasn't ideal.

I got home and checked and nope.  No shoe there either.  I really don't know what happened to it but my guess is it somehow fell out of my "swim bag" that sits in my open gym bag on my walk to the gym.

Yes, I absolutely retraced my steps on the way home the day I found it missing with no luck.  Maybe I will ask at the front desk for a lost and found kind of thing but I feel like the shoe is just... gone.

I wore flip flops the next time and hated the FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP noise as I walked through the change area so I'll be putting it on my list to get new slide on shower shoes.  But I miss the one that got lost, they were perfect! (No, I haven't gotten rid of the other one yet just in case it somehow magically shows up?)

So the next day I went to class again and as I go to lock up my locker, still bummed about the missing shoe, my lock is gone.

My lock that is always put back IN MY POCKET that zips, it was not there.  What the actual eff?

I have a gym jacket (thin) that has zip pockets and I keep my gym card and that lock in the pocket and they never go anywhere else.   In cooler or wet temps, I put another jacket OVER that exercise/gym jacket.

I checked all sorts of pockets and the entire gym bag and nope, no lock.  I debated not going to class as I don't love leaving things unlocked (people do) but I figured I didn't have my wallet so worst case they steal all my stuff and my keys and, well, good news is nothing happened.

But get this.  I'm heading home after class that day and I throw on my outer fluffy jacket and head outside.

I was just starting to walk down the sidewalk and about to turn on my music when I heard a clunk.  I thought to turn and see what it was and there on the ground is my lock that had just fallen out of... WHERE?????

The ONLY guess I have is that the outer jacket I was putting on is a blanket type ski/snowboard jacket that's big on me so I roll up the sleeves and they stick out a bit and so maybe while I was grabbing my card the lock caught on the cuff of the jacket and then only fell out once I got back outside?

It's a real stretch but I have no idea how that lock got to a place outside of a zipped pocket in order to fall out on the street from... some item of clothing I had changed out of and then back in to.

So bizarre.

But yeah, I had a couple of days in a row there where I was worried about my level of distraction as I managed to somehow lose a shoe and then a lock.  (A lock that later magically mysteriously reappeared!?)

Sigh. (I'd love it if the shoe came back now too if anyone's listening!)