Wednesday, 12 February 2025

I Was Convinced To Try

Most of the books on my library want to read list have been unavailable for me for a while now (I don't put holds on books that others have holds on as I don't know how quickly I'm going to get through a book and so don't want the pressure and like to be able to renew!) and so I let myself buy a few books over the holidays as a treat. (I used to spend SO much money on books and have cut back on that for the savings both financial and space in my place!)

I don't particularly follow book stuff on social media but I still see people talk about books they liked from time to time and this one series kept coming up.  I don't want to spoiler anything for anyone so if you're thinking of reading a book by Sarah J Maas, stop reading now just in case!

I heard a LOT of people talking about this book and how good it was and so on a whim, without particularly researching other than it appeared to be a fantasy novel (which I'm good with) I bought it.  I also bought another book that had come highly recommended and then laughed to find out they were by the same author.  I guess she's popular!

So when I hit a point of "no books to reserve" at the library (none with zero holds) I dug in to my bottom drawer where I keep my "to be read" purchases.

Now, a few months before I'd been chatting with my dental hygienist and she happened to mention that her friend had recommended this book to her and she was reading it and had no idea that she was reading fairy porn!  I laughed and then she mentioned the title of the book and it was one of the ones I'd bought, so I laughed and said well at least now I've been forewarned!

So I knew going in to this book that there would be um... non human creature love making stuff and I wasn't bothered by that but no one warned me or mentioned that this book was a retelling of frigging Beauty and the Beast.  (I've since googled the book and the author is very clear with this fact and it's mentioned in reviews but I didn't look up the book before I bought it so that's on me!)

Like such a retelling that I actually actively rolled my eyes a good handful of times during the book.  I was annoyed.  

I can't say I really enjoyed the book and the OMG THIS IS JUST BEAUTY AND THE BEAST GOD DAMNIT really got on my nerves but then the end of the book was intriguing or cliff hanger enough that I wondered where the author was taking the next book.  (I knew it was the first in a series.)

So this was a couple of weeks ago when I was unwell but on the mend.  It was our first real cold snap of the season and year and they were predicting snow.  I can't remember if I was on antibiotics then or just raw dogging it but I threw on my layers, grabbed the gift card I'd been given for a local book shop and walked my way down town.  Both to see if I could do it without coughing too much (spoiler, I did but not hideously) and to ensure I had a good book to read if the snow did end up showing up.

I can't remember ever not liking the first book in a series and then going ahead and reading the next book in the series so this may be a first!  But I am enjoying the second book more than the first and it's a big thick book which is always somehow satisfying to know there's "that much" story to get through.

It's got me hooked enough that I'm not just reading it in bed, but am actually taking it out of my bedroom to read on my couch when I'm resting during the day.  Rad!

So yeah, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the book or books and I have to remember not to let myself be swayed by online raves, but it's nice to have a book I'm interested in reading and have as much time as I want to get through it.  Plus the gift card made it basically free, WOO HOO BOOKS! YAY!


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