Thursday, 13 February 2025


It doesn't HAVE to be said, because this is my personal online diary, not some uber popular social media conglomerate.  I don't like bringing heavy real world stuff here, especially right now when I'm finding it so so so upsetting but....

I will not be giving America any of my money until things change significantly.  That may be when a new administration comes in, it may be... never.  I don't know right now.

Since current leadership announced tariffs on certain countries, including frigging my country, many Canadians are choosing to boycott America and American products.

So for me that means some small changes in my shopping.

Now, a lot of my shopping was already fairly local due to me wanting to support local and more natural things.  As an example, I switched from a brand name deodorant to a local, more eco friendly one a while ago.  I've tried to buy more local produce and dairy and meat because, well, frankly, it tastes so so much better.  Yes, it's been more expensive, but "big brand name" butter or cheese?  Vs cheese or butter made here or within this province or on this island?  Damn, so amazingly good and different and better.  Better butter Betty batter something something.

It has meant me taking a moment to consider *which* bag of chips I'm going to buy as comfort food, and grabbing a new to me bag with "made in Canada" on it rather than the big American conglomerate bag I'm used to grabbing.  I looked into toiletries and that's a bit of a trickier one as I have very sensitive skin, but again the brand I've been using has (weirdly?) some products made here and a few produced elsewhere.  

I cried when the last election results were announced and I may have mentioned it here, but I cried with a co-worker about how this meant we'd not be travelling to the states any time soon.  "I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon" I sobbed.  "No more Disney for me" she sighed.

But even that is more of a symbolic loss as I'm not in a place to afford a trip to, say, the Grand Canyon, right now anyway.  But losing the idea of it is hard. (But I've also yet to see Banff and it's been a while since I've been in old MontrĂ©al...I can travel within this country if and when I have the financial freedom to do so.)

I've sourced some replacements for things like the beeswax lip balm I've used for years.  There are local, environmentally friendly laundry and soap companies I will try when what I have runs out.

Some things, I'll deal with when I need to like clothing.

And I'm working to keep the pressure of of myself.  Like I have to be kind to and easy on myself to not be a perfectionist with this.  I think I'm very lucky to live where I do as we have a lot of choices already.  Without really trying, I already have not been buying too too much from the states, but that has been accidental.  Now it's purposeful, and it's sad to be in this place, but here we are.

I do not support the current American government and I never thought I had to say it out loud but because things are upside down right now let me be clear - I do not support nazis, neo or otherwise.  I do not support white supremacy.  Or fascism.  I do not believe any type of human is better than any other. I hate the state of the world right now and I wish I could escape it.

So my small part, for whatever impact it may have, is not to give any of my financial support to the regime that is currently holding (stolen) power and to give my support to my own country and other countries who are still good and kind and fair and progressive.  

I wish America well, and I hope they come through this, but I had to let them go a while ago, and this just somehow hurts even more.  

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