Tuesday, 4 March 2025


We had a warm up this weekend.

And while some are warning of "false Spring", I'm looking at the calendar and thinking we're not having numbers in the negatives again until next Winter, so for me, that's "the cold" over.  Sure, there may be another snow, we often have that in early Spring/late Winter but cold snaps?  I think we're done.

The sun has been lovely and lifted lots of spirits.

I made the very sad decision to change up my sleeping situation and put that delightfully soft fuzzy blanket up on top and it's been folded all weekend so it might go away into storage soon enough.

In fact, with our building's heat up a bit for the cold snap it was a little bit too warm and the nights didn't cool all that much and I was fully windows open and blankets off there for a few nights so now my body needs (oh please) to adjust to warmer temps.

Did my blanket experiment work? I can't say for certain as I feel we had a pretty mild winter with only a few nights where I felt I needed to really work at it to be warm in bed.  So maybe?  But will try it again next year and make a final decision there.

So while it may still be winter on the calendar, it feels like Spring in the weather and temperatures.

Plus the days are getting to a lovely length and mornings are suddenly much brighter, which means that stupid time change is coming soon to mess with me again!

So yeah, a mild, short winter and the sense that Spring weather is already here.

Oh, and there have been tons of Canadian geese in migration patterns in the skies the last few weeks and as I type this some seagulls are flirting with each other VERY EFFING LOUDLY (please stop) and the plum trees around town are starting to bud to blossom so yeah.... here we seem to be.

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