Monday, 3 March 2025


Remember when I mentioned that my Mom had caught the flu?

Well it turns out that it was likely Covid, which my Dad then caught, as a couple of days ago they were told by their doctor to test for Covid (which I had mentioned) and they both came up positive.

Their first time (leaving me as the last holdout in my family not to have tested positive... knock on wood let's keep it that way) and a huge concern for me as they're both in their 80s and Dad has high risk factors.

His doctor consulted with a pharmacist and they decided that the anti-viral that can be given for high risk folks wouldn't conflict with his heart meds and so I went and picked that up for him (and distance dropped it off) as well as some other things I thought might ease some of their symptoms.

He's reporting that the medication has helped quite a bit and so I'm trying to worry less, but it's hard.  They're up to date on their vaccines and such so that should help and have ordered groceries to be delivered and all that kind of stuff but it's tense right now (at least for me) and seeing as my non-Covid cough is still lingering (I tested regularly throughout my illness and never popped a positive) I worry for them and their symptoms.

Glad, very glad, for a health care system that while flawed and imperfect has helped my parents at no cost to them other than the taxes we all pay.  I can't imagine it any other way.  Or, rather I can imagine it and I don't want to live it.  

Do take care of yourselves, it seems extra germ-y and buggy out there right now. 


Anonymous said...

Canadian posting from England - In May 2023 it was declared that COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency of international concern. I am so sorry your parents are being plagued by it ... seems such a long time since it has been in the new daily here. I am sorry that your parents are being plagued by it. Canadian waving from England

Victoria said...

Thank you for your kind words :) Waving back to you!! :D