Tuesday 19 June 2007

Nope, Not Going To

Anything I write right now will be a big combination of swear words and rotten things about my job and how much stupid work they keep making up to throw at me just when I think I'm done and do you know how many hours this weekend I spent on this stuff and now I have to do what so...

I'm just not going to post anything right now.

But how are you?


dilling said...

oh, the life of a super spy...it's a bitch, ain't it?

Victoria said...



Michael Colvin said...

I hear ya. But I just blurt all my work frustrations out on my blog including the swear words...but then I'm mean.

Victoria said...

No, you're not mean! You're just less paranoid than I am?

Victoria said...

There's two more days til Friday.... TWO!