Tuesday, 9 March 2010


So yesterday out of nowhere in the middle of the morning it snowed.

So, no snow all winter, but random snow in the first week of March.

And then last night I heard a firetruck pull up nearby and before I knew it there were firemen in the hallway of my building. Which was weird and cool and scary all at the same time and it was all some kind of false alarm but still. Weird.

So, what's next after firemen and snow. . . ?


dilling said...

firemen??? ohhh, lucky girl!

"Julie" said...

flying is next. for sure. i can see it. flying cats or something.

happy snow day!

Chris said...

3 snow flakes on Vancouver Island and it's a snow day?? haha.... Good start to Spring Break for the kids right?

Victoria said...

I should have been wearing something slinky and then I could have fainted and needed help, eh D?

I'm ducking in case of flying cats Julie!

It was at least four flakes Chris!