I almost I forgot to tell you, but I went to the Great Canadian Beer Festival again this year.
I wasn't going to go. It's something that C-Dawg and I have gone to together almost every time I've gone, and I'm missing her a ton right now and didn't want to go and be reminded that she wasn't there.
She really wanted me to go though, and at the last minute a friend of mine got a ticket and so I decided to go.
I'm glad I did. It was fun, if chilly (for the first time in memory), and I found a nice Apricot Ale that I liked (I'm not really a huge beer fan so I tend to stick to the light, fruity ones) and I had a good time hanging out with my friend and his friends.
The people watching was stellar as usual, and I even won $1.25 from some random stranger who challenged me to a game he made up on the spot and I won.
So while I did miss C-Dawg and couldn't even call her from there to say hi (what with the four hour time difference) it was good to have something fun happen after the rough week I had. It was really good, actually, to have something fun.
And, here we are, once again, thank goodness, at Friday.
Long live the weekend, I say.
Happy Friday my friends!
Glad you had a good time! I'm not much for beer either, give me a vodka cooler or for a really yummy treat some Crowne Royal on ice!
I'm so glad I had a good time, it was perfect timing :)
Friday's are the best days. Put blackberry juice into any drinks and it tastes great!
Yay Fridays! :)
Blackberry juice, eh? Huh!
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