I think I've always wanted to be a writer.
A book author, a novelist, someone who got paid real money to write stories that other people read.
I've always written things. My Mom has boxes full of little books I wrote and illustrated as a kid, the staples as binding and sometimes? The stories still make me laugh. I think I was a cute kid. I'd have liked to have met me.
I write here, yes, and I'm glad I do for a number of reasons, but I'd also really like to write a book.
It fascinates me to read books. To read the world that someone has invented, the people they created, the stories they go through.
And that's where I get stuck.
Sure, I write here and tell a version of my life, but I can't figure out how you tell a story that's not yours. How you tell a story that's not true.
But I want to, would love to make enough that that was what I did.
I'd love to write a book, a novel, but the only story I know is mine, and I still don't know how it ends.
So you write the first book as an intro to you, and the second, third, fourth book could reveal how it ends. ;)
Have you been in contact with a literary agent yet? Let us know what happens. It's not a fast process from what I understand.
Good luck!!!!
Do it! Maybe write the ending you want or the crazy ending you'd never want...
Start with what you know and let it evolve and take a life of it's own. By the time editing is done, it will be an entirely different thing then from when you started.
I look forward to reading it!
No JS, I haven't been in contact with anybody, just my imagination ;) But thanks :)
Or maybe SnP, the crazy ending you'd never want that actually turns into the ending you wanted but just didn't know? ;)
Thanks Kas. Now I just have to figure out what I know? Hee
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