Saturday 8 September 2012

Ahhhh, Weekend

Summer Bokeh by foundimagination
So, what are you going to do with your Saturday?

Nothing? Something? Not sure yet? Totally planned out?

Are you going to hang out with yourself or go meet up with people? Are you going to have a meal out anywhere or just eat at home?

What's the scoop for your Saturday anyway?


Duff said...

Bought a new Laptop this morning ^^ Had a bbq this afternoon, and then just chilling this evening, watching the tennis with a beer in-hand :)

Duff said...

What about you?

Victoria said...

Oh fun! I like your Saturday :)

Victoria said...

I slept in a little (ahh bliss) and have been relaxing on my couch. Just ate lunch. Not sure what's next!

Anonymous said...

We typically have a game of golf in by 10:30, then run errands or run the kids to their things. But, it is pouring today, so no golf. Both girls are now at university, and our son is working, so it is really weird around the house today. The first weekend with both girls gone.

So we went to brunch, library, groceries, tried to replace a bathroom fan (why are the replacement ones never the same size?), and now I am going to do the dishes and watch golf.

Exciting, eh?

- Elliott

Victoria said...

Well that doesn't sound too terrible! Sorry about the rain :)