Tuesday 27 May 2014

A Little Odd

I think yesterday's post was the first of a few because I feel like I'm in a bit of a "space."

Work is slightly weird (don't talk about work) and maybe it's the tail end of this cold and the cold meds semi-in and semi-out of my system but I feel weird too.  Not "bad" weird, but odd, I guess, and like I said, in a space.

I dunno.

I'm sure it'll pass.  I'd like it to pass in a positive way, I'd like it to somehow propel me into some different, better space, but I don't know.  I spent a fair amount of time this weekend just getting through it.  Keeping on keeping on.  Like I said, it's not necessarily bad, it's just weird, it feels weird.

Not making sense am I?

That's ok, can't always make sense, right?


Jason Langlois said...

I'm concerned, because you make sense.

Victoria said...

Oh no! Run!!!!

(From what, I'm not sure, just RUN!)


OS1313 said...

Call it "Fever Dream".

*High-five through Level 4 Biosafety gloves if you caught the A.X.L. Pendergast reference!

Victoria said...

I didn't. *hangs head in shame*

OS1313 said...

Oh. well. That's okay.

*Nods, hides tears, recedes into darkest corner of room*

Victoria said...

Tries to distract you with shiny things!