Wednesday 18 February 2015

I Have Nothing Of Interest To Say

So here's random boring stuff:

I got a haircut last week.

I walked to my acupuncture appointment this weekend.

It was super sunny yesterday.

The days are getting longer.

Well, I mean, the amount of light... the hours in the day are staying the same.

My running shoes have holes where my big toes are trying to poke through the top material.

A lot of things are stressing me out right now but I'm trying not to get caught up in them.

I feel like we didn't get a Winter at all here.

It's Wednesday.


kandijay said...

"I feel like we didn't get a Winter at all here."

*looks out window and sees only white*

Le sigh.

Victoria said...

*sheepish face* Sorry!

kandijay said...

Oh, no need to be sorry. You can't truly appreciate spring without winter.

Also, I got a snow day today! Woo hoo!

Elliott said...

On Wednesday we skiied. It was beautiful...nice and sunny and only -10C. Huge improvement from skiing on Sunday when it was about -35C with windchill. It's been snowing all day where I am.

Daylight is sure getting longer. Spring needs to hold off until after March 20...going skiing again.

Victoria said...

Yay for snow days Kandi! ;)

Brrr E!