Wednesday 19 August 2015

I was looking for writing prompts to help me trigger thoughts to write about here and I came across this one "6:00AM: the best hour of the day, or too close to your 3:00AM bedtime?"



I don't enjoy early mornings.  I know lots of people who do and people who are morning people I admire... when they're not being too perky on the mornings I'm not yet awake!  So for me, six am is a bit too early.  Now, my alarm has probably gone off by six am, and somewhere I've written about my unusual alarm routines, but when I have to get up significantly earlier than my body is used to (ie. travel days like when we'll leave my house at five something in the morning in a week or so for the very early ferry) my body actually rebels in very unhappy ways.  And dark mornings just don't inspire me... I shouldn't have to be putting on lights until the evening!

So no, six am is not the best hour of the day.  But also, I don't have a three am bedtime!  Not to say I haven't been up that late or not to say I go to bed super early but a three am bedtime would exhaust me and take me days to recover from, I need my long, regular, good sleeps y'all!

But, I suppose if my bedtime was 3 am, I would not be getting up at 6.  Again, I know some people who run on very little sleep and seem to be none the worse for it but I like a good solid 7 or 8 hours.  Sometimes more, sometimes I can get by on fewer, but in general, a good chunk of sleep, and a not too early wakeup are what I need.

Except, of course, when I'm camping in the desert where the sun starts cooking me in my tent by 7:30 am.  Then I'll get up.  Because who wants to miss whatever the day's going to hold when you're only there for a week!