Monday 12 December 2016

Oh Dear Lord

Could I *be* any more addicted to After Eights?


(Dear stores, please take them off Christmas sales, I refuse to buy them at full price... save me from myself!)

(But not really.)

(But yes please, really.)

(Oh no.... soon it'll be Cadbury Creme Eggs, I may be doomed!)


Jason Langlois said...

Oh man, Canadian Tire had them and I bought a box for Christmas but I'm already eating them, so I'll need to go get more.

After Eights are so good. SO GOOD.

Happydog said...

We just came back on the ferry from a trip to the Big Smoke aka Vancouver. They had them on a tray at the Pacific Buffet. An all you can eat buffet. Oh Noes!

Victoria said...

Jason, I don't know why I find it so odd that Canadian Tire had them... I don't think of them as a food place at all, go figure! And yes... sooooo good :)

Oh noes HD. OH NOES!!!! (For reals, they would probably have kicked me out of the buffet.. heh)