Wednesday 31 May 2017

Oh Dear

So at some unknown point a while ago a ladybug blessed my car.

As in... it got stuck in a spot where I can't get to it but can see it (window) so it just... is there.  I call it a good luck kind of charm thing.

The other day, another ladybug got into my car.  Cute little things that they are (good P.R.) I parked and tried to escort it outside.  But.... instead, I somehow got it trapped in a spot that I had no way of getting it out and I'm not sure it had the ability to get itself out of either.

So now I feel badly that I accidentally killed a ladybug.  Maybe.

I don't want to check to see if it's still there so perhaps he/she wiggled its way out and flew away.

Could be true.  Right?


Jason Langlois said...

It must be true.

I'm sure there's no place a ladybug cannot escape, and you're in the clear on this case.

Victoria said...

OK. YAY! Phew!