Thursday, 31 October 2019


So someone "in the know" (as in not me) just told me that they're pretty sure this will be the last time change... or, I should say, once we kick back into the OTHER time... you know the "Spring forward" one, we will likely STAY in it!!!

I guess it's going into legislation or something that's official like that and so EEEEEEE!  I mean... I might have an easier time getting through the stupid dark of this winter if I know it might be the last time in this province!

Also, happy Halloween to you!


Jason Langlois said...

Well, they've introduced the legislation but it just gives them the ability to do it. It sounds like they might wait to see if Washington and Oregon do it as well (which requires the US Congress apparently), and now California is saying the might want to go to the Standard time model instead of DST...

So in typical fashion is all a mess. :/

But we're sooooo close!

Victoria said...

Noooooooo no waiting, nOOOOOOOO!

Jason Langlois said...

On the bright side, apparently the Premier has said we'll go ahead no matter what the other bodies do, so that gives me some hope!