Friday 8 March 2024

I Did Not Like That!

Taylor Jenkins Reid is an author who wrote a book called "Daisy Jones and the Six" that was turned into a series I really enjoyed watching.  It was a story about a band and I'll leave it there in case you are going to watch or read it.

I think I watched the show first and then read the book and then watched the show again! (ha)

(If you've been around long enough you've probably heard me mention how much I enjoy watching/reading book-tv/movie interpretations and seeing what got changed or left out or what have you.

So I liked the easy feel of the book well enough that I tried another book by the same author about a tennis star who came out of retirement.

It was an ok enough read but then I was near the far end of the book when the main character mentioned taking a rest and reading this book "Daisy Jones and the Six" and I got mad.

That little self referential thing took me right out of the story and into the reality of "you are reading a book that is written by an author who is now referencing her own characters and book" and that just.... didn't sit well for me.

I thought about it non stop for the next few pages and even the next night kept getting annoyed.

I'm not sure if it was supposed to be funny or an in-joke or what but I can't remember being this mad/annoyed/irritated at an author before but I also can't remember an author referencing a book they wrote being read by a character in a book they wrote.  IT REALLY IRKED ME!!!!

So, yeah, that kind of ruined the rest of the book for me but I finished it anyway as I was pretty near the end and I'll probably try another book by the author (as they're a light read) but if she does that ever again I will probably throw the book across the room and that's not something I'd ever think I'd do!

But the series was great and hopefully that didn't get ruined by this arglebargle (angry noise)!

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