Wednesday 11 September 2024


I'm not quite ready to put away my fans and things but I think we're maybe close (if not already there) to being done with heat heat for the season/year.

We had a HOT effing weekend.  Like a nasty combo of really significant heat (as hot as we've had all summer I think) and high humidity leading to just "this is a bit much" for ... well, for me certainly.  But I do hope that others enjoyed it.

I got hot enough one night this weekend that sleep didn't really happen but it was on the weekend so didn't mess up a work day or anything (knock on wood.)

Looks like at least the next week is going to be cooler, and maybe rainier, and I have noticed the evenings getting shorter too but that's just that.

Like I said, I'm likely not going to put away the heat abatement things I have had up and out since Spring, maybe end of the month, maybe next month, we'll see how things go I guess.

Having these thoughts and realizations has made me a little panicky about the ongoing changes of the year and winter to come and the stresses I find there, but I'm actively trying to just be in today and this month and this season and not freak out too much about things that aren't yet here, you know?

But yeah.... without jinxing things, I think we might possibly be done with summer temps... maybe.  Probably.

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