Monday 19 November 2018

It's Writing Time

It's that time of week I like to put aside for writing post for the week but my body has other ideas and me of the "I don't really get a lot of headaches" is sporting one of those there headaches right now so... not a whole lotta writing going to happen ta da!

I mean hopefully, you won't even notice.  Probably if I didn't write this post at all and just waited til I felt better (hi Advil, how are you?) I could write a few post and just neeeever mention the not writing part.

But just in case I call it an early night or a non-computer evening, I'm writing this as a backup post.

Beep...beep....beep.  (That's a backup noise... cuz apparently I'm cracking myself up right now even if no one else!)


Elliott said...

Lol...we joke about making the back up noise all the time when we back up in a conversation or physically back up.

Glad to see it's not just us. Hope you feel better.

Victoria said...

Nice! *high five fellow "back up joke" people* :)

And yeah, thanks, I feel a whole lot better!