Wednesday 14 July 2021

Variations On A Theme

I had a version of a dream I haven't had in a while, but that has come and gone in my life over the years.

The dream's issue is that 911 is "not working" and in the dream I need it.

Used to be that I'd call and get a busy signal or something like that but this time it was a weird different version... I dialed nine one one and got some other random animal information system.  Like 911 had been given away to some other organization and they were giving out animal facts?

So of course (in the dream) I called back just in case but nope, 911 was no longer a thing.  And so I had to try to figure out (and quickly of course because someone needed an ambulance) what number to call and no one has actual phone books anymore and I can't remember if I tried to search on my cell phone or what but eventually we realized I'd have to drive the person myself rather than trying to call for an ambulance.

I can analyze the dream I suppose... wanting or needing help and feeling like there isn't any... stress in my life, you know, that kind of thing.  I just don't remember the last time I had a "broken 911" dream so that's the interesting part to me.  And what was unusual is that usually when I dream try to call it's ME who needs them, and this time it was for someone else.  And no, not someone I'm particularly close to or anything.

Go figure.

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