Tuesday 28 September 2021

Oh.... Oops!

So far any new co workers I've met at workplace I've only seen their faces masked.

And as it turns out this seems to have made it harder to figure out who people are because I can only sort of go by hair and general height sort of things but also I'm super stressed and overwhelmed so even if I introduced myself the name most likely hasn't stuck yet.  Yes, even a month in.  (Well, a part time month but you get the gist.)

But then I learned something even weirder!

See, my brain sort of filled in what these people looked like just from their eyes (you know, because masks) and I am in a workplace with some really attractive people!!!

Er... until we had an all hands Zoom meeting (my first, go figure eh?) and most people took off their masks as they were in an isolated space and so I got to see some faces sans masks and MY BRAIN WAS WRONG!

I mean, they're still nice looking people, it just turns out that the face my brain made up was 100% wrong in most cases!  What a weird phenomenon that was.

And I still don't know their names (I'M TRYING!!!)

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