Monday 15 August 2022

A Weird Missing

There's a building near me (a block down and a block over, so kind of diagonal from me I guess?) that's been undergoing "construction" for ages.

I think what it actually was, was remediation.  Remember the leaky condo stuff?  It looked like that.  Scaffolding all over with the tarp things.  It's been going on for a long time (it's a big building?)

I can't remember exactly when it started but it's been a year, maybe even close to two?  I'm not sure, but a long long time.

Now because of reasons, I get a sort of echo in my area and I have been hearing these folks work for months and months now.  I often wake up to them (kind of woken up by them?) and that sort of lets me know it's about 7:30 am or so.

They haven't been terribly loud, I hear them from time to time, one of them has a very distinct and loud voice, and lately there's been a Spanish speaker around too.

I noticed the other day that they were taking down the scaffolding.  I guess they're done or close to done.  And I realize I'll miss them.

Isn't that funny?  These guys (I've only ever heard male voices but certainly there could be women on the crew) have been "around" for such a long time, a part of my week days for ages.  And now they'll be moving on to another job.  I almost wanted to go past the building and tell the supervisor that I'd miss them but that seems weird "hey, you guys kind of woke me up most mornings for the last two years and your tarps made incredible noise during wind and I've been hearing you yell at each other this whole time and I just wanted to say I'll miss you!"

Other construction is going on in the area including one a few buildings down from me but this one was right in the echo chamber and the others I don't (yet?) hear as much as they're blocked by other buildings whereas this one had a magic clear spot for the sound to travel.

So, thanks for the non-company you guys.  I hope the next job goes well and I hope you keep yelling at each other to WATCH OUT and stuff.  Take care!

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