Thursday 25 January 2024

Ah Crap

As I was finishing up my last post I had an idea for a new post and it was going to be simple and easy and so I opened up this new page and POOF! gone.  No idea what I was considering talking about.

OH!  NO!  I got it back HA!

Ok so one thing that I thought was neat about this last cold snap and ensuing snow that we had (and this is VERY North American centric to say) was that it seemed like this whole continent was in a deep freeze at the same time.

Often I'll see similar weather with my friends all down this coast and I find that neat enough but this felt like whatever polar system smushed us got everyone allllllll along the way.  More than usual for sure.

I figure we're out of it faster and easier than many but it still reminded me that sometimes we've got a lot more in common with far away neighbours than we realize.  I think it's neat.

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