Tuesday 23 January 2024

Evidentially Speaking

I walked to the gym on Sunday for the first time since it snowed (Wednesday?) and I noticed that while the majority of the snow has melted/washed away you can totally see where people shovelled and by default, where people did not!

For example, there are no lingering piles of snow anywhere near my place as neither our sidewalks or parking area got shovelled this time (they're usually done at some point) but further down the road there are piles from driveways and piles at the edges of sidewalks.  It's cute.

And as I was driving around on Saturday (there was even more snow then, even some left on the roads) you could see where it got pushed by traffic or again where it was plowed.

I remember a few years ago when I was regularly walking one of our local parks and we had a large snowfall and I kept an eye on the plowed-from-the-parking-lot giant snow pile for ages.  Like weeks and weeks and weeks.  It was fun (for me anyway.)

But yeah, the evidence of who did shovelling or scraping is/was still out there.  (Which led me to the weirdest thought in a while.... "how fast would snow piles melt if it snowed in Summer!?" because I mean yes, I'd like to know but also... um... yeah that's... not a thing cuz Summer.)

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