Saturday 20 January 2024


On one of the sub zero days last week I ended up at home (see above re pipes and freezing cold days....) and so took myself to the gym for some cardio and a swim.  And y'all?  The pool felt bathtub warm when I got in.  I actually said "this is toasty!" outloud.

I don't know if they upped the temp while we were in the major cold spell or if the water just felt warmer opposed to the air temp in the pool area.  I know I got used to the water temp pretty quickly but stepping in it was absolutely the warmest I have ever felt it.

I also had a little chat with a lady swimming who was going home to her fourth day of no water due to burst pipes and a boiler that had stopped working the day before (so no heat) so I was extra happy to go home to my apartment with heat and hot water.  

But yeah, toasty pool water.  I could get used to that (in Winter anyway!)

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